Technically not a cherry blossom tree. These bright pink hues were fun to photograph and too pretty not to share.
Two trees were adjacent to the Tidal Basin in Washington, DC where the cherry blossom trees and Cherry Blossom Festival draw large crowds each spring. These trees were tucked to the side almost under the 14th Street Bridge. The blooms were plentiful and heavy causing the branches to bow. Gravity brought more of the colorful flowering pom-poms eye level.
Photographs were taken with a Nikon D7000 and a 50mm 1.4 lens.
14th Street Bridge lamp post on the left.
Shot into the sun. |
The lamp post offers a nice contrast to this simple cluster.
It looks like it is in a vase. |
The dark branches add interest and depth. |
Craving cotton candy. |
Fun with a low f/stop. Playing with aperture. |
My parting photo of our fun photography outing. |